
JixiPixPopDotComics软件特色.1、周日漫画:创建一张卡通照片。2、半色调:将照片转换为半色调报纸照片。3、流行漫画:将照片转换成明亮的波普艺术Lichtenstein风格 ...,PopDotComicisafunwaytocreatecomic-bookstyleillustrationsfromyoursnapshotoronestakenofyourfriendsandfamily.PopDotComicappliesthick ...,CreateacomicworthyoftheSundaynewspaperoryourfavoritepulp-fictioncover.PopDotComicisafunwaytocreatecomic-...

JixiPix Pop Dot Comics

JixiPix Pop Dot Comics软件特色. 1、周日漫画:创建一张卡通照片。 2、半色调:将照片转换为半色调报纸照片。 3、流行漫画:将照片转换成明亮的波普艺术Lichtenstein风格 ...

Pop Dot Comics Info Desktop

Pop Dot Comic is a fun way to create comic-book style illustrations from your snapshot or ones taken of your friends and family. Pop Dot Comic applies thick ...

在App Store 上的「Pop Dot Comics」

Create a comic worthy of the Sunday newspaper or your favorite pulp-fiction cover. Pop Dot Comic is a fun way to create comic-book style illustrations from ...

JixiPix Pop Dot Comics(图片漫画化软件)下载v2.04官方版

JixiPix Pop Dot Comics(图片漫画化软件). v2.04官方版. 大小:120.4M语言:英文. 类别:图像处理系统:WinAll.

Pop Dot Comics—Colorful Illustration and Halftone Effect

Pop Dot Comics—Comic book-style illustration and halftone effect · User Interface · Pop Dot Comics Features · COMIC Styles · POP DOT COMICS Includes · Every JixiPix ...

Pop Dot Comics on the App Store

Pop Dot Comics 4+. Comic with colored halftones. JixiPix Software. 4.9 • 162 Ratings.

Pop Dot Comics Info iPhone

Pop Dot Comic is a fun way to create comic-book style illustrations from your snapshot or ones taken of your friends and family. Pop Dot Comic applies thick ...